About Daddy401k

Image About Daddy401k, John Q. Miller

About Daddy401k

I’m the Dad of Daddy401k, John Q. Miller. I’m a Ramsey Solutions Master Financial Coach. I also earned a Certificate in Financial Planning from Florida State University.

Daddy401k is what my daughters called the financial literacy for kids program my wife and I created. The program taught them how to manage money, avoid debt and start investing early in stocks and mutual funds.

About Financial Literacy for Kids

I have a passion for financial literacy for kids and especially like to share how my wife and I raised our two daughters in a way that gave them a head start for financial freedom that we didn’t have when we ventured out into the world as young adults.

As a result of our personal finance coaching, our daughters are college graduates, employed, and debt free. They’re living as young adults on a budget with an emergency fund and have also started to invest in their retirements.

Leader With A Strong Coaching Background

My passion for helping others understand and improve their financial well-being began while serving in the United States Army. When I was a young officer, I regularly helped soldiers to better understand personal finance concepts. I taught them how to make better spending and saving decisions. I also helped them with reducing debt and dealing with creditors.

Since leaving the military, I’ve focused on strengthening my analysis, planning, and coaching skills. For over 20 years, I’ve successfully led Fortune 500 corporate teams in business improvement programs. These program reduced wasteful processes and spending and have grown revenue. Over the last 10 years, I’ve achieved this success with a remote team spread across the country.


Certificate in Financial Planning, Florida State University
Master Financial Coach, Ramsey Solutions
Lean Six Sigma Master Black Belt
M.A. Executive Leadership, Liberty University
B.A. History, Texas A&M University

United States Army Veteran